Students » Clubs


Students and staff, interested in starting a club? Email [email protected] or stop by the student store for tips on getting started and schedule getting your club constitution voted on at an ASB meeting.

Step 1: Gather some fellow students with a similar interest.
Step 2: Find a staff member who can serve as your advisor.
Step 3: Create a constitution (or borrow this template) for your club so we know the name, the officers, the mission, and make sure your officers AND advisor sign and date it.
Step 4: Submit your constitution to ASB via Ms. Broaster's mailbox or to [email protected].
Step 5: Your constitution will be voted on by ASB and then submitted to the Student Store so an account can be created.
Step 6: Congrats, your club is official. Please contact ASB prior to creating additional social media accounts and flyers for tips for WPHS socials.
Want to fundraise? 
Be sure to complete this form BEFORE raising funds. Please note the contribution amounts to ASB and other offices as needed. Gather all signatures and submit to the Student Store. Contact Mr. Ihab for questions. [email protected]
ASB fundraisers =*100% of proceeds must go to ASB
Club fundraisers= ** Public appeal (activity not restricted to club members & their immediate families) must be split 50/50 with ASB
PTA SOLO/PTO SOLO  fundraisers= ***100% of proceeds can go to PTA/PTO
PTA/PTO and ASB Collab fundraisers= **** Proceeds must be split between ASB and PTA/PTO (% determined by the ASB prior to event)